Resorts Casino Hotel Atlantic City
When it opened in 1978 Resorts Casino Hotel was the first legal casino outside of Nevada in the United States. The property completed a large expansion in 2004 by adding the 27-story Rendezvous Tower and underwent renovations in 2011. Resorts has over 100,000 square feet of gaming space, numerous restaurants, and 942 total hotel rooms.

Beach communities throughout the mid-Atlantic region present ongoing challenges for the wireless service providers, primarily due to the heavy population densities that occur during the warmer months of the year. Adding to the capacity strain during peak season are the coverage challenges caused by the dense construction materials of the casino & hotel buildings, especially on the lower levels. Casino staff and customers complained for years about the lack of reliable cellular service inside the complex.
Resorts Casino Hotel teamed up first with a large third party neutral host operator (3PO) to address the problem. This company then partnered with Intenna Systems to design and deploy a multi-carrier DAS to cover all common and back of house areas on the lower four levels of the resort. Altogether the solution encompasses nearly 1 million square feet of indoor space and provides seamless wireless connectivity to the many employees and customers that frequent the resort for work and entertainment.