Wireless Design

Site Survey
During the Site Survey for wireless process, we collect and document carrier required environmental and access information that will facilitate their participation. Floor plans are confirmed, annotated and system installation feasibility study is completed. We document and define code, safety, security and installation requirements. Our experienced field personnel identify location of critical equipment areas for the design effort and we meet with facilities management and communicate the general requirements for system installation.
Ambient Signal Testing
Ambient Signal Testing or “heat mapping” is a critical step to building a successful wireless system. Using industry standard data collection software, the Intenna Systems team will record RF signal strength results for single or multiple wireless service providers and public safety. Our experienced engineering team will process this data and make DAS recommendations based upon those results. This is not only a useful step in network planning, it is typically required by most of the wireless service providers.
Design Predictions
Design documentation and Design Predictions are also useful tools to the enterprise and generally required by the wireless service providers. The industry standard for these deliverables is iBwave solutions and Intenna Systems design team is fluent and certified in all aspects of this software.
Final Design
The end result is a Final Design Review package that will address the enterprise needs, and will be supported and approved by the wireless service providers.