55 Water Street
At over 3.5M square feet and 53 stories high, 55 Water Street is the largest office building in New York City by floor area. For many years, employees of the corporate tenants at this office location were forced to go without reliable cellular connectivity for the duration of every workday.

Completed in 1972, 55 Water Street was built on a superblock created from four adjoining city blocks. In addition to the usual challenges of macro cellular signal penetration through concrete and steel, the sheer number of employees inside the building creates inherent capacity and bandwidth problems for the wireless service provider networks.
Intenna Systems’ primary distributor partner was tasked by building management to develop a plan to deploy a large scale, neutral host distributed antenna system. This partner engaged a third party neutral host operator (3PO) to initially fund and manage the deployment and the 3PO hired Intenna to handle DAS design, integration & commissioning activities. Intenna also provided support for all aspects of construction management for the duration of the deployment. Intenna commissioned the anchor carrier onto the DAS in 2017 and the second carrier in 2018.